


“I’m amazed by the creativity and courage with which venturers navigate treacherous environments. They relentlessly explore new directions in pursuit of true north. They often advance without knowing the best path forward. For many, venturing means accepting to get lost for the sake of the journey.”

In a trans-national career straddling the U.S. and France, Amiel Kornel has worked as an entrepreneur, venture capitalist, strategy consultant, journalist and author. This web site and the book that accompany’s it, Spinning Into Control (Naviguer à Vue in France), reflect his passion for startups and the delicate craft with which founders incubate them.

Currently Founding Partner of international advisory boutique Venture Craft LLC, Amiel has advised corporations like Alcatel, Cisco, Coca-Cola, Daimler, Lilly and Reed Elsevier on startup acceleration and innovation strategy. He has held executive roles on founding teams at three startups and served as director on several Boards.


“My own on-going journey has taught me that venturing is more craft than science. And to hone their craft, great venturers — whether startup founders, makers or corporate innovators — rely on skillful improvisation.”

The authentic tales Amiel shares here and in his book span geographies, disciplines and history. They reveal that venturing becomes more natural and sustainable when entrepreneurs and makers behave as venture craftsmen rather than simply as managers and engineers.

So what is a venture craftsman? Like 16th-century “merchant adventurers”, they wander, exploring uncharted markets and bringing back precious discoveries. And like master artisans, they tinker, resourcefully recombining ideas, designs, media and software as well as tangible assets on hand into valuable ventures.